Recommended Readings
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Angelou, M., (1993). I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. N.Y.: Bantam.
Assagioli, R. , (1965). A collection of basic writings. Psychosynthesis.
England: Penguin bks.
Baetz, S. (1991). Helping you respond more positively to your changing world. Change Is. Charles: Ontario.
Banks, S. , (1987). An Amazing story about endings and beginnings - and the miraculous power of the mind. Second Chance. N. Y. : Ballantine.
Belenky, M. F.,, (1986). Women's Way of Knowing. New York: Basic.
Berman, M. , (1989). Body and spirit in the hidden history of the west. Corning To Our Senses. New York: Bantam.
Borysenko, J. , (1988). Minding The Body, Mending The Mind. Random House.
Bugental, J.F.T. , (1978). Psychotherapy and Process. New York: Random House.
Buzon, T. , (1981). Make the Most of Your Mind. London: Pan Books.
Cameron, N. , (1985). A dynamic approach. Personality Development and Psychopathology. Mass. : Houghton.
Craig, E. , (1992). The Moon is Broken. New York : Dutton. Crook, W. , M.D. , (1992). Chronic Fatigue Svndrome. Tennessee :
Corsini K. , (1989). Current Psychotherapies. Illinois: Peacock. Deer, J. , (1976). Lame Deer Seeker of Vision. N.Y.: Simon.
Docherty, T., (1993). Postmodernism. N.Y. : Columbia.
Duerk, J., (1989). Women's Journey to herself. Circle of Stones. San Diego: California.
Ferrucci, P. , (1982). Techniques for psychological and spiritual growth. ,What We May Be. Los Angeles. : Tarcher.
Flemming, William. (1991). A1ts and Ideas (8th ed.). Fort Worth: Holt.
Ford, N. (1993). 18 Natural Ways To Beat Chronic Tiredness. Conn.: Keats
Gilligan, C. , (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Mass. : Harvard.
Goldberg, N. , (1986). Freeing the writer within. , Writing Down the Bones. Boston: Shambhala.
Goldberg, N. , (1990). Living the Writer's life. Wild Self. New York: Bantam.
Healey, R. , (1991). An interactive interpretation. The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge : Syndicate.
Heider, J. , (1986). Leadership strategies for a new age. The Tao of Leadership.
Kaufman, W. , (1992). Discovering the mind. Freud, Adler, Jung. Vol. 3. N.Y. : McGraw.
Kurtz, R. , et. al. , (1976). An illustrated guide to the psychology of the body. The Body Reveals. New York : Harper.
Lanzette, B. , (1985). A spiritual guide to the universe. Path of the Healing, New York: Paragon.
Lerner, H., (1985). The Dance of Anger. New York: Harper. Lerner, H. , (1989). The Dance of Intimacy. New York: Harper.
Levinson, D. et. al., (1978). Seasons of a Man's Life. New York: Ballantine.
Lidz, T. , (1983) The Person (rev.). New York: Basic.
Lui, D. , (1986). T'ai Chi Ch'uan and I\t1editation. New York: Schocken.
Miller, A. , (1981). Drama of the Gifted Child. U.S.A.: Basic. Maslow, A., (1970). Motivation and Personality (rev.). New York:
Mindess, H. , (1988). Makers in Psychology. The personal factor. New York: Human.
Neihardt, J.G. , (1988). Being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux. Black Elk Speaks. Nebraska : Lincoln.
Nemiah, . J. , (1961). Foundations of Psychopathology. New York: Oxford.
Peck, S. , (1978). The Road Less Traveled. New York: Simon.
Perera, S. B. , (1981). Decent To the Goddess. A way of initiation for woman. Toronto : Inner.
Pelletier, K. R. , (1977). Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer. New York: Dell.
Ravitch, D. , (1985). Reflections on the educational crises of our time. The Schools \Ve Deserve. New York: Basic.
Shapiro, D. , (1989). Psychotherapy of Neurotic Character. U.S.A. : Basic.
Sher, B. , (1979). How to get what you really want. , Wishcraft. New York: Ballatine.
Simpkinson, C. , et. al. , (1993). A celebration of the power of stories to transform and heal. Sacred Stories. San Francisco: Harper.
Starhawk, (1990) . Encounters with power, auth01ity and mystery.
Truth or Dare (2nd ed. ) . New York: Harper.
Stolorow, R. , et. al. , (1979). Faces in a Cloud. New Jersey: Jason. Teeguarden, R. , (1992). Chinese Tonic Herbs. Japan : Publications. Tisserand, M. , (1985). Aromatherapy For Women. Vermont:
Walker, A., (1992). Possessing The Secret of Joy. N.Y.: Simon. Wilbur, K. , (1985). No Boundaries. Mass. : Harvard.
Yalom, I. D. , (1985). The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (3rd ed. ) . U.S.A. : Basic.